Student Career Services

Career Center Resume Review COB
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Take a look at our new career platform, Handshake!  Current GCSU students will be able to login using their Unify credentials, and alumni may use the system with any email address they choose.

Career Center Calendar

As new events are added, we always update Handshake and Facebook. However, make sure you are using Handshake and Facebook regularly to learn about new employer networking events such as campus interviews. 

Meeting with a Career Advisor

Our team of career advisors are here to help you throughout your time at GCSU. We can help you explore career options for your major, create an internship search strategy, develop competitive application materials for jobs, internships, and graduate school, practice your interviewing skills, and even talk through accepting job offers, negotiating salaries, appropriate professional attire, and more.  To get started, go to Handshake and schedule an appointment with a career advisor to get your questions answered! 

GC Career Planning Milestones

The job market is more competitive than ever and employers want individuals who can solve problems, think critically, communicate effectively and work as a team.   When it’s time to apply for internships, jobs and graduate programs, we want to make sure you know how to communicate with employers that you received these skills through your liberal arts education.  Through the GC Career Planning Milestones, every GCSU student has the opportunity to prepare for the transition from college to the professional world.  For more information on how the GC Career Planning Milestones are an expectation that the university has for all undergraduate students, please visit the GCSU catalog.  We also have information to help students complete the Career Planning Milestones that will help them find the path that best suits their needs.

Career Advising Appointment

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to about the next step in your career.  Our Career Center staff meets individually with students in 30-minute to 1-hour appointments.  We can help you research career options and identify strategies for getting experience through an internship.  We can review your resume and cover letter and provide tips that will help you land that interview.  We can even conduct practice interviews with you for jobs, internships, and graduate school.  If it’s career related and you want to talk, come see us!  To schedule an appointment, students and alumni can schedule online through Handshake.  Alumni and other students who would prefer to contact us directly to schedule an appointment can call us at 478-445-5384, stop by 110 Lanier Hall, or email us at

Major and Career Exploration

We know how important it is that you find a major you love and a career path that will lead you to success.  Our Career Center staff can help you identify majors and careers that fit your interests, values, and abilities.  Make an appointment with an advisor, and then use some of our online tools.  Our Focus 2 career assessment and Digital Career Counselor will help you connect your work interests, personality, values, skills, and leisure interests with possible majors and careers. Additionally, What Can I Do with this Major? handouts provide information on a variety of disciplines.  


 Access The digital career counselor

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

In today’s world, your resume and cover letter have to speak to the needs of the employer.  The key to getting an interview is a targeted resume and cover letter that will showcase your transferable skills. Use our resume and cover letter samples, and get a Career Center staff member to review them before you reach out to your dream employer.  To get started, watch our informational resume writing video and use our Resume and Cover Letter Writing Packet.  


We want you to do your best when you interview for jobs, internships, and graduate school programs.  Schedule a mock interview with a Career Center staff member or use our virtual tool, Big Interview to practice articulating your skills and abilities.  If you’re looking for a job or internship, make sure you sign-up in Handshake and upload a resume so you can participate in on campus interview opportunities with employers.  Send us an email ( to schedule a mock interview today.

Research Potential Employers

It is so important to use all of your resources to identify employers that are right for you.  In addition, you want to do enough employer research before an interview or job fair so that you can clearly articulate why you are the best fit for that particular company.  In addition to the thousands of employers listed in Handshake, we also recommend that students use resources such as the LinkedIn Alumni tool and Buzzfile to identify a list of companies to target during a job or internship search. When you meet the company in person, be sure to use these tools along with the company website to be able to explain why your skills and experiences match the position you are seeking.

Career Fairs and Networking Events

Students at Georgia College have the opportunity to meet employers and graduate programs at a variety of career fairs hosted each year by the Career Center. For a complete list of our career fair schedule and links to each event on Handshake, visit our career fair website.  Through the Career Planning Milestones, the Career Center helps students prepare for these professional interactions from day one of their college experience.  Professional attire and resume are required at many events, but we also offer some informal networking events such as Part-time Job Fair, Senior Picnic, and the Graduate & Professional School Fair.  We encourage all students to attend these events way before their senior year because these events are great ways to explore and get firsthand information on career options. 

Prepare for the career fair by watching our short, informational video.  You can also check out our Career Fair and Networking Preparation Packet and our Resume Packet.  These resources can prepare you for informal and formal networking events.  It's important to research employers and know why you would like to work for specific ones before attending the event.  For a complete list of our career fair schedule and links to each event on Handshake, visit our career fair website.


According to a national survey of employers conducted on behalf of the American Association of Colleges & Universities, 94% said they were more likely to hire individuals who have had an internship experience (Hart Research Associates, 2015).  By completing an internship, you will have a chance to test the waters and see if the career you’re considering is right for you.  Prepare for the application process by completing the GC Career Planning Milestones and connecting with one of our Internship Coordinators during an appointment or Internship Workshop. Students can also connect with internships at one of our many career fairs, including the Fall and Spring All Industry Career & Internship Expos and Media and Communication Day.  You can also get a head start on the process by downloading the Job and Internship Search Handout from our resource library in Handshake.  If you are preparing to start your internship, we recommend watching our internship orientation video.

Job Search

Did you know that it takes 6 – 9 months to find a full-time professional job?  Our staff is ready to guide you throughout your senior year so that you are using LinkedIn, Handshake, career fairs and other networking opportunities to job search effectively.  Juniors and seniors who are preparing for the job search should use the GC Career Planning Milestones as a checklist of career management activities.   To get started on your job search, check out our informational job search video and our handout and make an appointment with a career advisor.

Graduate and Professional School Preparation

If you’re like many students, your undergraduate degree is just the beginning.  As you discover career options that interest you, you may find that a graduate degree is your next step.  We have a team of dedicated staff who work specifically with students who are on a pre-professional track or have decided to include graduate school into their career plans.  Our staff can help you research programs, review application materials, and read personal statements.  You can also meet representatives from a variety of programs at our Graduate & Professional School Fair each semester.

Online Tools

We know that you can’t always make it to the Career Center, so we have a variety of tools online as well. 

Access Focus 2 to complete five different career assessments.  Use Big Interview to practice answering interview questions.  Register in Handshake to search for jobs and internships, sign up for campus interviews, research employers, download handouts, and access the career fairs and events calendar.  And if you’re into social media, be sure to check us out on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and LinkedIn.

Workshops and Class Presentations

To reach the most students possible, we offer our workshops as class presentations.  Faculty can request a class presentation by contacting the office (call at (478) 445-5384 or email at or their designate liaison advisor directly.  We ask that you give us at least 2 weeks advance notice so that we can ensure that we have a staff member available.  Class presentations are typically one-hour and focus on topics such as resume writing, interviewing skills, LinkedIn, job/internship/graduate school search, professionalism, and career fair preparation. 

In addition, we also partner with student organizations and campus departments to present resources to students.  If you are a student leader or staff member who would like a Career Center presentation, please give us a call at (478) 445-5384 or email at with your request.